Geotechnical Investigations are performed to obtain data on physical characteristics of soil/rock around a site to design earthworks & proposed structures, or to support the repair of distressed earthworks/structures caused by subsurface issues. Structures include railways, tunnels, dams, bridges, buildings, excavations, box cuts, roads, power stations, borrow materials, void filling and tunnel and dam grouting.
Through our diverse drilling solutions, we have extensive experience in delivering geotechnical services at the highest standards in quality and safety. We give total possibility evaluation, plan and task the executives administration in all parts of ground designing.
Field Tests | Laboratory Tests |
Drilling and Sampling
Bore Hole Logging Field Permeability Test Standard Penetration Test Static Cone Penetration Test Dynamic Cone Penetration Test Vane Shear Test Plate Load Test Pressure meter Test Modulus of Sub grade Reaction (K-Value) Bearing Ratio Test Liquefaction Studies Pull Out Tests on Anchors/Nails Forensic Investigations |
Insitu Density and Moisture Content
Specific Gravity Grain Size Analysis with Hydrometer Sedimentation Analysis Atterberg’s Limits Unconfined Compressive Strength Direct Shear Test Triaxial Shear Test Consolidation Test Permeability Test Relative Density CBR Test Proctor Compaction test Soil Dispersion & Collapse Potential Test Chemical Tests on soil cerchar Abrasivity index River Sediment Analysis |